

Welcome BCF Administrators!
This area is for your use only. I think you all need to help me figure out who should have access. Development has just started on this area, more will be coming.


(8/28/01) Adding a lot to this area, more explanation to come.

Web Boards Media Kit

Board name Purpose Admin
Concert Log  "Getting Ready for Concerts" Notes Concert Log Admin
General Any administrator can post anything here General Admin

Click on the board name to post comments. Click on the admin link to delete comments. Please don't delete other peoples' comments. The admin user name is "admin" and the password is "bcf." If you don't see your comments immediately after posting, click your "Reload" or "Refresh" button.

Press Release Form - Word 6.0/95 (PC format) - Macs with Word 98 or better should be able to use.

Logos for Print

Promotion / Production / Publicity Guidelines and Timetable from Lorraine Whittlesey 

Local Links ValueWeb Access (password req.)
Go to Members' Lounge

Control Panel (E-mail config)

Control Panel (Everything)


bcfadmin copland1